Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We Shine

(Edited 06.16.11)

I've moved this content over to Loop Community. Read more about the move on this post.

Use this link to access the We Shine content!


Ok, so I saw a post on bwack's that was asking for a We Shine (Steve Fee) loop, so I decided to export the ones I had done a few months ago. With a few changes, all I did was export, upload, and post them.

I want to give you some options for using them. Playing the song in D (like on the album) may be too high for you or your audience, so I'm going to include the transposed to C version. The arrangement is just like the album, so I hope you enjoy...

We Shine Preview

I also have a Time Has Come loop, so I'll post that tomorrow...


Tom Gibson said...

excellent job buddy.
Any chance I you might still have "how great is our God" in Bb, A, or G?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Sorry for the extra posts. All i wanted the we shine loop 100% percent like the song with nothing extra. If you could do that i would be grateful.

Nick Livingston said...

Can you email me or give me your drop box link? When I right click and download file as it saves as an HTML file.. Thanks!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben, I want to do the song in "C", but I can only find it on the Loop Community in "D". Could you send me the MP3 with Click to my email or send me a link to the Loop Community if they have it in "C"
